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Residential Bug Sweeps


If you feel as though you are being listened to or watched, you should clarify this and gain peace of mind that comes by hiring a TSCM professional who can identify even the most complicated and professionally hidden bugging devices. Both home owners and apartment dwellers may be subject to hidden audio recording devices, covert video cams, or hidden audio microphones.

Smart  Phone 


There are several different risks that you need to be aware of as a business owner and hiring an experienced 

TSCM business bug sweeping service can help you to identify these problems as soon as they are placed inside facility. You should never expect that you will easily be able to locate bugs without professional help. 

Vehicle GPS Tracking Sweeps


A TCSM counter surveillance expert can help you to identify when a GPS tracker has been installed on your car. If you do happen to locate a GPS tracker on your car, it is not recommended that you dismantle it. If you think that it may have been placed there by law enforcement, you could interfere with an ongoing investigation and you should hire an attorney as soon as possible.

Office & 
Conference Room


A technical counter surveillance expert hired to conduct a business bug sweep should be familiar with all types of equipment involved in corporate espionage, such as wiretaps, electronic bugs, and eavesdropping devices. With our professional bug detection, you’ll get an answer as to whether or not anyone is trying to watch, listen in or surreptitiously record you, your team and your private meetings and steal your intellectual property and valuable information.

Aircrafts &


Our Bug Sweep experts will perform a comprehensive TSCM Aircraft Bug Sweep of your plane, private jet, or commercial aircraft. The professional bug sweeping services we provide nationwide can also detect Hidden Cameras, Audio DevicesGPS Trackers in cars and even more. Our Aircraft Bug Sweep is not our only business. You can trust our bug sweepers to find and remove audio bugs, audio recorders and hidden cameras. Call us for a Free Consultation. 

Electronic Harassment 


We perform non-invasive body scans to identify implanted microchips and other forms of electronic tracking GSP/Cellular/ chips.  We check with high-gauge TSCM (Technical Surveillance Counter Measures) equipment that will locate and identify if one is subject to internal microelectronic implants. Please note: We are not medical professionals, we simply scan without any harm to a person and identity if in fact one is subject to an electronic possible threat. 

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